Sajilo HR - Google Play Store Policy Last Updated: 6/20/2023 Welcome to Sajilo HR, the HR app designed for corporate organizations to manage employee attendance, payroll, and resource requests. At Sajilo HR, we are committed to safeguarding user privacy, ensuring data security, and maintaining a transparent and secure user experience. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your data and user accounts. User Data Collection: User Data Access: Sajilo HR does not collect personal user data during the signup process. User accounts are created and managed by the organization's backend administrators. Data Sharing: We do not share user data with third parties. Data is kept within the organization's HR system, and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. User Account Creation: User Accounts: User accounts are created by the organization's administrators. Sajilo HR does not have open sign-up features for individual users. Credentials: User credentials, including usernames and passwords, are generated and managed by the organization's administrators. User Privacy: Data Privacy: We are committed to maintaining the privacy of your data. Your personal and work-related information is securely stored and used only for HR and payroll purposes within your organization. Data Security: Sajilo HR employs industry-standard security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. App Usage: Purpose: Sajilo HR is intended for use within corporate organizations for managing employee attendance, payroll, and resource requests. Permissions: The app may request permissions related to device features necessary for its intended functionality. These permissions are used solely for the purpose of enhancing your experience within the app. Compliance with Google Play Policies: Policy Compliance: Sajilo HR complies with all Google Play Store policies and guidelines, including those related to user data and app behavior. Reporting Violations: Users and organizations can report any violations or concerns related to the app's behavior or content to [Contact Email]. Changes to this Policy: Updates: This policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for compliance with new regulations. Users will be notified of any significant policy changes. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or the Sajilo HR app, please contact us at info@sajilohr.com. By using the Sajilo HR app, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.